Facebook App shots down on BlackBerry10's, Now Available only on the web
Facebook and WhatsApp's jumped ship earlier this month, announcing that it would end support for its apps later this year. The world's biggest social network and its Messenger app will stop working on the BlackBerry OS, including BB10, by the end of 2016. In a blog post on the company's website, the app team said: " Recently, Facebook made the decision to discontinue support of their essential APIs for BlackBerry and WhatsApp announced they would end support for BlackBerry 10 and BBOS at the end of 2016. We are extremely disappointed in their decision as we know so many users love these apps. We fought back to work with WhatsApp and Facebook to change their minds, but at this time, their decision stands (but let them know how you feel on social media, using the hashtag #ILoveBB10Apps ). Despite this, we have worked hard to ensure our end users have the best experience in light of this decision, and are conti...